Thursday, 21 November 2013
Elephant vs Crocodile who will win
One day I was watching the news then a episode news article about a Crocodile attacking an elephant. So i decided to make a cartoon out of it.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Kowhai tree
The kowhai is one of the best known native trees in New Zealand and it’s our National flower.Kowhai grow from a seed in the ground to become a tree up to 25 metres high.Kowhai are known for their brilliant yellow colour that appear in profusion in spring and stand out.KÅwhai can be grown from seed or tip cuttings in spring and autumn. The hard, dark or bright yellow seeds germinate best after chitting and being soaked in water for several hours.They can also benefit from a several minute submersion in boiling water to soften the hard shell and then being kept in the same water, taken off boil, for several hours to soak up the water.The bright yellow flowers of the kowhai droop downward, resembling bananas in their shape. Kowhai flowers range grow as large as 2.2 inches in length,reports the Hebe Society.The kowhai is an evergreen tree, meaning it retains its leaves all year.Kowhai trees are native to New Zealand, but can be grown in temperate climates around the world.They are easy to grow from either saplings or seeds.Kowhai is the Maori word for yellow. The tree was so named for its bright yellow flowers.Native birds such as the tui, bellbird, kaka and New Zealand pigeon all benefit from kowhai trees.
facts about tigers
Recognizing a tiger at the zoo is easy. But in their natural habitat, tigers are really hard to find. That’s because their unique orange, black and white stripe pattern helps them blend into the forests and grassy areas where they live and hunt.
Tigers are carnivores. They are quiet, patient hunters with large powerful paws and teeth to help them catch and eat their prey. Some of their favorite meals include pigs, deer, rhinoceroses, and even small elephants.The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres in length.
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
Information report:parrots
Hi I am going to tell you about different kinds of parrots.
Kea’s are large,intelligent parrots that live in alpine areas of New zealand south island.They are the world's only alpine parrots and are known for their curious and sometimes cheeky behaviour near ski fields where they like to investigate bags, steal small items and damage cars.
This is a different parrot it is called Kakapos.
Kakapos are critically endangered flightless parrots, as of 2010 only around 130 are known to exist. They are active at night nocturnal and feed on a range of seeds, fruit, plants and pollen. Kakapos are also the world’s heaviest parrot.The ancient, flightless Kakapo is the world's rarest and strangest parrot. It the only flightless and nocturnal parrot, as well as being the heaviest parrot in the world, weighing up to 3.5 kilograms.The birds live in New Zealand, and island country which had virtually no mammals living on it for millions of year.The Kakapo did not learn the defense mechanisms to combat or escape mammals predators.This made the parrot very vulnerable when new animals started showing up.
New zealand is the home to some very unique parrots including the Kea, Kaka, and Kakapo.
Monday, 16 September 2013
Zookeeper for a day 1613
Title:Zookeeper for a day.
In the morning jordan gets ready to go to work.He meets a Assistant worker his name is chris parkin.Jacobs first jobs is to prepare the animals for the first day.
The foods were Seeds,Pellets,and Beans.And the other foods were banana and other fruits and vegetables and other chopped meats.The first animal they meet was a ostrich it eats rice
bubbles.The second animal was a llama it ate the grass it can spit when they are threatened.
Another animal was a turtle that they found in north america it eats seaweed and leaves.
The last animal was a monkey they found it in central america it eats vegetables.
The food pyramid
The food pyramids tells us that there are different kind of foods.And it also has different flavours when you taste it.
The food we should mostly eat is:
You should eat all of the food so you will be healthy and not have rotten teeth.
The food we should have less of:
Lollies,sugar,Fizzy drinks,Ice cream,Ice block,Sugar snacks.
You should not eat these stuff because they can make your teeth fall out and it might also make you have black teeth and you might have a sugar problem.
The food we should even eat less of:
You should not eat this food because you can end up with a sore stomach.
The food you should eat least of:
Kfc,Mcdonalds,Wendy's,Carl’s juniors,Burger king.
You shouldn't eat these food because they are junk and you can get a toothache
Back yard have guards
Rats ran across
the grass underneath
the shed so they can hide.
Squirrels climb up
the tree into
the hole so
they can hide.
Dogs tied up
to their kennel
so no one can
rob the house.
Birds gliding in
the sky looking
for a place to land.
They all might be
different but they
still have the same job
to make sure no one
bracks in to the
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Tane's reading
This is pete he is thinking what
he is going to write .
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Fractions with tane
I have been learning about fractions.Today we learnt how to draw fractions of shapes in the drawing program.Sometimes it was hard getting all the fraction the same sizes.
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
A tear
Today I shed a tear.
I shed a tear because someone stepped on my leg on college rifles field.
My coach told me to go off the field and have a rest.
After a while my leg didn't hurt no more.
Then when I got back on the field I was able to play again.
Today I shed a tear.
I shed a tear because someone stepped on my leg on college rifles field.
My coach told me to go off the field and have a rest.
After a while my leg didn't hurt no more.
Then when I got back on the field I was able to play again.
Today I shed a tear.
Tane learns basic facts
In class we do basic facts and mathematics every day.Im getting better and better at my basic facts everyday.For the last basic facts I had 18%. My basic facts helps me with Division multiplication subtraction and addition.
Monday, 8 July 2013
Ancient Egypt
When I was in egypt for the rest of my life.
One day I went to sleep and got transported to the desert on a camel then I got frightened. Next I went on the camel and rid it to egypt.
When I got there I got put into a slave and I had to work hard so I did. A few months later a pharaoh called budbud came to see me so I dressed up neatly. He said he wanted to take me somewhere else so I can work for him. so I said ok and he took me up to his place where he works and told me to be a scribe instead of a slave so I said okay.
I had to write stuff on the wall so people could read it.Some people did not know how to read the scribes writing.Did you know scribes were the only people to have knowledge like this.
when he was getting old He told me if he died I could be the next pharaoh. I made up my name it was called jordan.Suddenly he could not breath so I tried to help him but I could not help him so these people came in and put him into a coffin.And I became the next Pharaoh of egypt.
The moral of the story was being a slave and then getting put up into a pharaoh.
Friday, 14 June 2013
Tane's reading
I go on my GIS sites so I can read my story it was written by macallen morgan
It is my favourite story.
Tane does maths online
This is a screenshot of my maintenance exercise. Our maintenance is sumdog we get to play on it if it is raining outside.We only play sumdog at morning tea and lunch breaks.It is fun playing sumdog I always play it.
Tane's reads online
submarine adventures by Rodrick hunt

- Today I read this book, online. It was written by Rodrick hunt. I was learning to make comparisons between the texts I read.
Monday, 10 June 2013
We have been learning to edit photos using pixlr editor.
When we were using our pixlr editor i found out there was a tool called lasso there were two kinds of them one was called polygonal and the other one was free hand.
It was hard using the lasso around our body I took forever.
When we were using our pixlr editor i found out there was a tool called lasso there were two kinds of them one was called polygonal and the other one was free hand.
It was hard using the lasso around our body I took forever.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Digital footprint
We have been learning how to leave a positive digital footprint. We know we are doing this because we are leaving good quality comments. Here is the comment I have left. I have finished with a question.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
How toys work
Different kinds of toy there are winding toys spinning toys but I don't have a toy that winds or spins my toy pushes and pull it is called a bulldozer it is a fun toy to play with when you get bored and do nothing.
I got my toy from MCDonalds that is where you can go and have something to eat.
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Tane's Favourite things
Hi my name is Tane and I am in year 5 at Glen Innes School. I like to do my maths because we learn new strategies. It is fun to learn the new strategies.
My next favorite subject is Physical education. I like PE because I like to run. I want to be as fast as Usain Bolt. Runnng also keeps me fit. I also like to play games on my net book. It is fun to play games on the net. I play sprinter and pool table which are my two favorite games.
I am in room nine and I enjoy being in room 9 because our teacher Mr Ramkolowan is funny and cool.
My next favorite subject is Physical education. I like PE because I like to run. I want to be as fast as Usain Bolt. Runnng also keeps me fit. I also like to play games on my net book. It is fun to play games on the net. I play sprinter and pool table which are my two favorite games.
I am in room nine and I enjoy being in room 9 because our teacher Mr Ramkolowan is funny and cool.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
My name is Tane and I am a Maori. I am a kiwi and live in New Zealand. I live with my 8 brothers, 4 sisters, dad, mum and 4 nephews. I am the 4th to last oldest in my family. My favorite colours are blue because it is the colour of the sky and red because it looks cool. I like to eat at McDonald Burgers because the food here has a very nice taste. I also like to eat at KFC because the chicken is a delicious meal to eat.
I want to get better at my maths because I am not very good at it. I want to learn more strategies. I also want to learn about motor mechanics because I want to learn how to fix a car when I am older. When I have a car and it does not work properly I can make it work again. My friends are Pareata, Timothy, Kaufana , Moko, Etai and Tyreece. They are fun to play with.
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