Monday, 15 December 2014
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Triangle snowflake
This is a christmas game. In this game you have to place triangles into a part of this shape. It gives you 12 small triangles and you get to put it anywhere inside of the shape. This i what my triangles turned out to look like.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Hasbros playhouse
This is the Hasbros team who are building a playhouse for the juniors at Glen Innes School. When they are finished building and painting the playhouse they will put it in the junior section of the school. The juniors are going to have so much fun playing in the playhouse when it is finished.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Christmas jigsaw puzzle
In this game you have to try to put the pieces together and when you finish the puzzle you get to choose a new puzzle and get to do that one. This is a suitable game for kids that are 9 and up. This game was easy for me to do and I need harder puzzle for this game.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Athletics photographs
Click on the link if you want to read my ebook.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
If you want to read my ebook click on the link.
If you want to read my ebook click on the link.
Tug team
In this game you have to know fractions. This game was a little bit hard for me because I didn't know what one to choose. This game would be suitable for kids that are over 10 because they should know their fractions.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
This is a picture of my scratch it is a programme I used it on my netbook. My scratch is all about dancing. The link is:
Friday, 14 November 2014
Friday, 31 October 2014
Click on the link and you will see my popplet.
Click on the link and you will see my popplet.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
How to make chocolate brownies
Walt:Write an explanation
Brownies are a delicious treat to eat.The most popular brownie is a chocolate brownie because it has a nice chocolate taste.
The preparation for an brownie is an egg,chocolate,bowl,sugar,flour, and the last ingredient is cocoa.
The first thing needed is to melt the chocolate in a pan with butter and leave it in their for 5 minutes or 4 so it is melted and then when it is melted pour it into a bowl and let it set. Next whisk the eggs and sugar together until it gets thick and then add the melted chocolate on top then you just mix it. Then after that pour the flour and the cocoa into a bowl and tip all the mixtures into a tin and put it into a oven. The temperature it should be cooked in is 180 and leave it in the oven for 30 minutes to cook then after that put it inside the fridge to cool down for a whole day. Therefore if people don’t leave it in the oven to cook and pull it out early it will still be doughy.
Making brownies are easy to do if people have all the ingredients and the right temperature and follow the easy steps to making one. Brownies are basically a chocolate biscuit but it is bigger and nicer.
Monday, 13 October 2014
At sports camp I had lots of fun going there my favourite sports there was outdoor hockey because I had lots of fun playing it and I learnt some new skills in that sports to one of them is that you can only use the flat side of the hockey stick and not the other one and also if it hits your feet it is the other teams ball. And apart of the supports my other favourite thing was eating the food and the desert after it. And my last favorite thing about sports camp was when it was nights we had to go into the auditorium room and play indoor sports. And I also want to go back next year and have some more fun.
Friday, 26 September 2014
Cross country
This was cross country we had to run 4 rounds around the reserve and run up line road and then up Eastview Road and then do it 3 more times. It is easy to run 3 times threw the reserve for me because we have been doing it for a long time.
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
American muffins and English muffins difference
Monday, 22 September 2014
Summarising the text
Walt:Summarise the text.
Neighbours shed
This story is about little kids getting their tennis balls stuck over at their neighbours shed by playing cricket in the day and it goes flying over their fence and over to the neighbours property and he stores them all into the shed and the neighbour puts it into the shed because he always doesn’t want to see tennis balls on the back lawn.The main characters was the neighbour and the little kids.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Friday, 5 September 2014
Click on the link if you want to read my ebook.
Click on the link if you want to read my ebook.
Thursday, 28 August 2014
Friday, 22 August 2014
Comparing fractions
In this game you have to see what fraction was less than or more than or equal. I got ten right and zero wrong this game was easy for me and I need more challenging games so I can learn more ways to figure it out. Next I want to learn how to figure out more strategies for multiplication.
Monday, 18 August 2014
Japanese hat and a cube
This is my japanese hat and cube that I made out of paper. I made the japanese hat by using a compass and one line in the middle then I cut it and it turned out to look like this. The Cube was hard for me to make because I had to decide on where to put the flaps and how to fold it. This is what my cube looks like in the corner of the picture.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Click here if you want to read my E-Book.
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Robin Williams
Robin williams inspired me to go to more of his movies because he made me laugh. My favourite movie that I have seen him in was Aladdin he was the voice behind the genie. In Aladdin I liked the genie the most because he was funny. But I remember him most in the movie Flubber because he was the main character in that movie. Robin williams was nominated to the best actor award 3 times while he was still living. I liked Robin Williams because he was a funny comedian. Robin Williams inspired me to be a funny person just like him.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Scale Drawing
I learned to use scale to enlarge my drawing. I used a scale of 1 cm to represent 3cm. My drawing means that it is 3 times bigger. The task was difficult for me because I don't really know how to draw. I need more practices on this task because I don't really know how to do it. Next I would like to learn more stuff about geometry.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
What makes a square a square?
1.The opposite sides are always parallel.
2.A square has 4 equal sides.
3.The diagonals bisect each other at 90 degree angle.
4.It has 4 equal 90 degree angles.
Monday, 4 August 2014
Fraction of a set
Walt:Find a fraction set
In this game you have to figure out where is grampy. In the game it gives you a denominator and you have to try and find out where the numerator is.This game is probably suitable for year 6’s and 7’s because this game was changellenging a little bit for me. I think that I need more practice on the game because I wasn't that good at it. Next I want to learn my algebra.
Friday, 1 August 2014
Precious Mckenzie matching puzzle
1.When was he born. A.Hunting Crocodiles
2.Sisters name. B.Phys ed from bisham abbey academy.
3.Where was he born. C.Circus Acrobat
4.How did his father die. D.South africa
5.Wanted to be. E.1974
6.When did he win his third gold medal. F.1936
7.Graduated at. G.Precious Mckenzie
8.what is his name H.Gloria
Thursday, 31 July 2014
Positioning fractions on a number line
Walt:Positioning fractions on a number line
In this game you have to try and figure out where to put the fraction on the number line. But you also have to know the size and order where to place it.The game was challenging because it took me a while to figure out how to do it. Now I finally know how to play it. This game is suitable for 11 year old kids.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Name that shape
W.A.L.T name that shape.
In this game you have to name the shape that shows up. It gives you 4 names of the shape and you choose one of them. I think that this game is suitable for 10 years old and over because The little kids might not know the shapes that appear on screen. This game was easy for me because I knew most of the shapes that were shown on the screen.Next I want to learn more geometry.
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Monday, 14 July 2014
In this programme you can draw a picture of anything and then it will make it into a scribble and also you can change thee colour of what ever you draw.
Friday, 4 July 2014
This is what I got when I used scribbler this new program that Mrs Ramkolowan told us to go on.I drawed a guy and it turned out to look like this.
Thursday, 3 July 2014
This is Room 11's soccer coach called Quan he is teaching us how to bend down and block the ball when you are gold keeper.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
This was room 11's soccer coach he taught us how important it is to keep our eye on the ball so your opponent can't take the ball of you.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
5 questions about cold press
How much money would they earn every year?
What was the author's purpose?
Who are the main characters?
Who donated the olive trees?
Where did they sell the oil at?
Monday, 30 June 2014
I want to be a millionaire
Some people that are millionaires they just think of them self and not families and other they just want all the money to them self .
The first thing I would like about being a millionaire is that I don’t need to rely on my mum and dad and other family about asking them for money everyday like I do today.
The Second thing I would do if I was a millionaire is that I would buy my Mum,and Dad a bigger car and bigger house to live in.They would like that.
The third thing I would like to do if I was a millionaire is to travel the world and see what other countries eat and how they live for a change.
The fourth and last thing I would like to do is to buy me a mansion and a motor bike so I can rome around the streets on it and it would be fun to own a motor bike.
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
In this reading game you have to choose what kind of character you want out of a cloud,robot,boy or girl.This game was easy for me because this game was simple to play.Next I want to learn my Divisions.
Friday, 20 June 2014
Using two skipping ropes
On Thursday the 12th of June there were two girls that used skipping rope one held the other person rope and they tried to skip it looked funny.
Thursday, 19 June 2014
Two people skip
In this skipping routine there are two people skipping i none rope going backwards they have to watch out because they might trip over and hit their head.
Wednesday, 18 June 2014
In glen Innes center we were dancing to the parents and students in glen Innes center that were watching.They were feeling happy dancing in front of everyone.
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Skipping - Dancing
In glen Innes center we were dancing to the parents and students in glen Innes center that were watching.They were feeling happy dancing in front of everyone.
Monday, 16 June 2014
Skipping - Titanic
In Glen Innes community center Glen Innes school got to show off their amazing skills to the parents.This is room 11 they are doing titanic there has to be a person leaning on the rope and two people supporting him on the sides holding the rope and one person wobble his pants and the last to people have to get on top of the other and hold their hands out.
Monday, 9 June 2014
Friday, 6 June 2014
Dental presentation
On 5th of June a dental technician came to Glen innes school named Mrs Wallbridge. She answered questions that room 11 and 12 raised for her.
I have learnt to cut down on sugar. And I always learnt that you can use nylon string to floss your teeth instead of real floss.I will practise how to brush my teeth gently and use a soft brush when doing it. Now I can tell my parents that smoking and drinking can kill them so they can stop doing that. And I would tell other people that they could use strings off bags and use that as floss if they can't afford floss. And tell other people that smoking can cause death because a bubble of paste can pop it inside there month which will go through their lungs and suffocate them.Thursday, 5 June 2014
Doing adverbs
In this reading game we have to know where to put the circle in.This game was easy for me because I know where to put it.Next I want to learn my 9 divisions because I don’t know them.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
In this reading game you have to click on your answer then press submit. There are 5 levels for you to pass. This game is easy because I got 4 out of 5.Next I want to learn my 9 time tables so I know all my time tables. This was my results at the end of the game. 
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
In Room 11 we had cheesecake it tasted like caramel I wanted to have some more but we weren't allowed.
Monday, 26 May 2014
In this game we have to see who can stack the most.It teaches me how to do decimal time tables.Next I want to learn how to learn my 12 time tables.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Punctuation game
In this game you have to see where to put Commas,Full stops and other stuff like that.When you choose what you need to use you have to put it in the gaps.Then after that you have to push splat.Next I want to learn more about statistics.
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Dental Technicians
This is the result of the picture that I was doing with Andrea. I was making teeth made out of pears and marshmallow it was easy because I got help making it. Andrea was helping me make it. I used pink and white marshmallow.
Monday, 19 May 2014
Walt:Write a narrative
One day their was a boy that owned a shark named Cripple. Cripple was a feisty shark that would only listen to Edward. Cripple only listened to Edward because he was the one that found it and took care of it.Every Night Edward would let Cripple go and Wonder the sea when Edward was tired.
Edward owned a beach house in miami.Edward lived in a house with his brother named Freeman.Freeman never liked Cripple because it has almost bitten Freeman leg once.
Suddenly Edwards Brother Freeman Threw something into the water that made Cripple get knocked out.When Cripple was knocked out Freeman took Cripple to land and tried to make him suffocate.
In the morning Edward noticed that Cripple was not back so he went looking for him.Edward knew that sharky could only last out of water for 12 hours so he tried hard to look for him.4 hours straight Edward was still searching for Cripple he knew that he only had 8 hours left. 4 hours later he found Cripple and he ride back his fastest to his home and put Cripple back in the water.
Friday, 16 May 2014
Thursday, 15 May 2014
Cause and Effects
This reading game is about where to match the right answer with the right questions.This game was hard for me because every time you win a match the time will gets shorter and shorter.Next I want to learn how to do my 12 time tables.
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