
Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Creating a Garden with a pool


Number of Units
Cost per unit
Cost of Item

Paving around pool
$21 per unit
$21 per unit
Rock garden

Instant lawn

$ 5,1289
Walt:Create a garden with a pool

Today we learnt how to do the area of a garden and pool. This was one of the most interesting maths activity that we have done this term. I never knew how much it would cost if you add it all together also I wish that I can have one but it would cost to much. It would cost $5,1289 which is to much.


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

ANZAC Ceremony

On the 23th of April 2015 Koliata and I assembled a cross and we had a ceremony of the soldiers and nurses who have served in the war. We all had to plant some of the crosses in the school ground.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Maths Invader

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In this game you have to know your multiplications. I know most of my multiplication so it was medium for me. My highscore was 2040. I think that this game is suitable for year 1 children because you can choose what level you can go upto. I got up to year 3 because I had no more time to go higher.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Soldier Letter

Peak camp, Gallipoli
August 1915

Dear Mum and Dad

The weather down at peak camp is very horrible. We had very bad thunder it made the whole camp muddy and we could not sleep for 2 days.

Every morning for breakfast we always have to eat butter and bread. Many of the soldiers get a sore stomach from eating the butter and bread. I wish that you can send of some fresh meat and water so it can keep me from getting dehydrated.

We have to live inside of a trench it has a very bad stench. Another thing about the trench is the rats some of them are the same size as a cat. But the worst thing is that the rats can give you disease.

Many soldiers have got wounded and killed. But when they died we have to dig a hole. The hole could fit 10 people inside of it.

How are you guys doing out in Auckland I hope that you guys are okay.

By your son

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Problem solving with Mrs BIna

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Today we learnt maths with a different teacher her name was called Mrs Bina. She was showing us how to do the new approach in maths. We were learning about problem solving in a group and doing fraction questions. She showed us some new ways to solve fractions problems. The question was interesting for me and it took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to do it. It was okay working with a group because it made the answer more easier to work out. Mrs Bina was a maths facilitator. Next I want to learn more about doing problems with addition and subtraction with big numbers.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Trench model


This was my team trench model. We made our trench model because we were studying on World War 1.  Also because we are studying about World War 1.

I worked with Ifa and Koliata to make the trench model. We included a Gun,Food, and last was sandbags. We choose to draw one of the simplest trenches on the internet. We had to use play-dough to make the trench model. The easy part was to work with Koliata and Ifa because we are friends and the hardest was to paint it.

Next in topic study I want to learn about World War 2.