
Friday, 24 June 2016

How to play gutter board

Success criteria
  1. Write in a passive voice
  2. Use precise words

How to play Gutter Board

Gutter board is a game that is very basic to learn to play. Gutter board is a 2-4 player game. It is played with a tennis ball, gutter board and 4 lines. It can be a fun game to play.

First, a gutter board, tennis ball, and a partner would be needed to play gutter board. 1-4 lines would have to be marked on the ground for each opponent to stand behind. Each of the 4 lines have to get further away from the gutter board to make it more challenging. The lines also have to have different scores.

Next, where to throw the ball and how to catch. When standing behind one line, the target is to aim the ball to the centre of the gutter board. Then catch the ball as it flies through the air and if the catch is succeeded 1 point is given. Then carry on the same procedure until the game is finished.

When the last line is reached the ball has to be thrown to the gutter board 3 times and caught 3 times to win. When the last line is conquered the winners, stay on to play against another team while the losers wait in line again for another turn.

So those are the rules on how to play gutter board. It is a simple game to play and used with a little bit of equipment such as a gutter board, tennis ball, 4 drawn lines and opponents. If more than 4 players would like to play just add another gutter board and tennis ball and start playing together.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Summary- Ngā Tātarakihi o Parihaka

As Rarawa was kneading the dough she heard about the government taking over their village. A few days later the pakeha soldiers arrived and started taking down the defense wall and taking their crops. Then Api was planning on stopping the pakeha soldiers from taking over their land, but Rarawa and Rangi got worried because they were scared that their brothers were going to get taken away just like there dad and would get chucked in prison without having a trial. As the soldiers arrived Rarawa had swung the poi in time with the other girls but fear had scared the words out of her mouth. As the soldiers marched closer their rifles glanced against the light. The soldiers carried on marching past Rarawa, when aunty Maata came they just ignored her. Finally the soldiers stopped marching and somehow the Parihaka convinced the soldiers to turn back and leave us alone.


WALT:  to find a rule to give the number of matchsticks (tiles) in a given member of the pattern

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Jump Rope

On Friday our whole school had walked to Glen Innes town center to perform jump rope for the heart foundation. When our school arrived at Glen Innes town center we all had different places to sit. As our class went to go and sit down we had seen Dion our mate that has had a leg injury when he played soccer with him. We were all surprised to see him in Glen Innes town center with his mum and little brothers. He even let us sign his cast. Room 1 to 12 performed in the town center showing off their talent.

Friday, 17 June 2016

E-asttle maths

Maths e-asttle 2.PNG

Today we had to do our e-asttle maths test. It was easy but I just didn’t like reading the long questions that were given but I think I didn’t do really good because I am below my national standard for my year level. I wanted to get a higher mark but I guess next time I have to try extra hard to get an extra level high. Next I would like to get a better understanding of converting fractions into decimals.

Thursday, 9 June 2016


Alcohol is bad
it can make you turn very bad
maybe even sad
just turn around and i'll give you a hand
Don’t be scared because i’m a policeman.

This week my group has been researching and learning about addiction. We have been doing this because we are linking it to our topic study which is the human anatomy. So far this week I have been able to create my own addiction poster and a rap about alcohol. I think that the rap was hard to think of because it was my first time doing a rap about alcohol. Overall I really enjoyed doing this topic study.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Scatter graph

Walt: Write a blog post about scatter graphs


In room 8 we have been learning about scatter graphs. First we had to make 3 different sizes of paper planes. We had to make sure 1 plane was small the other plane was medium and the last plane big. After making our different sizes of plane we had threw them and measured each of the planes distance in centimeters. While we measured our distance of our planes we had recorded the distances in a table that we had made in our maths book. Then we all plotted our planes measurement  in a scatter graph. After plotting our measurements we drew a straight line to join as many points as possible.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Alien cookbook

Game 1.PNG

This weekend I was playing this online game. I found this game easy to play because I knew my millimeters, centimeters and kilograms but the hard part was when I had to calculate the kilograms. Next I want to learn how to do grams.