
Friday, 28 October 2016



Today we had basketball training with our coaches Yaron and Malik. They come every wednesday to teach us different skills about basketball. We learnt to catch the ball with our hands in the shape of a triangle, Chest pass, Overhead pass, bounce pass and our last skill was the pocket pass. We even got to play piggy in the middle but we were only allowed to pocket pass to our partner but we played that game because we were learning about fake passing and tricking the person in the middle so they couldn’t intercept our passes.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Brooke Neal

Today we had Brooke Neal come into our class, to speak to us about 2016 olympics. She told us about what she found hard and easy in the olympics. Although now that she is an outstanding hockey player she had said when she was younger everyone use to call her a baby giraffe, because she would swing her arms and legs around everywhere. Also she said that she thought that it was really awesome when she had not only seen her mum and dad at her quater final game at the olympic but also her brother. Even though he had lost his game the day before he had still put in effort to come and watch her game and that gave her that extra boost to try harder. Also she always had a poster every morning hang up on her wall to always remind her that
  • Nothing can stop me!
  • I am powerful
  • I show pride
  • I will do my best - everyday.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Star gazing

Screenshot 2016-10-21 at 9.45.11 AM.pngScreenshot 2016-10-21 at 9.44.28 AM.png

About a week ago I played this fraction game called star gazing. To play this game you would have to look on the microscope for the fraction that is pointing towards the planets then type it in the square box in the left bottom corner. I think that this game was easy to play because in class we had been working on fractions and revised what we already knew. I really liked this game but there should've been levels that made each question harder.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Throw back - Metaphors

Walt: Match metaphors with their meaning in sport and non-sport activities

Firstly we had to get into groups of 3 or 4. I worked with Havea, Huntah and Zain. The students that were in the target writing group weren’t allowed to help because they had done this activity before so they just had to watch the rest match it together. I think when we were doing this activity it was interesting because it was my first time doing it. I think after doing this activity I would like to add some of these metaphors into my writing.

Acrostic poem - Panic

Walt: Write an acrostic poem using alliteration

People panicked and
Anxiously agonized about the storm.
Nick noticed nightmares of angry clouds approaching.
Icebergs injured innocent people.
Cyclones collided in california.

Monday, 17 October 2016

First day of school 2016

This photo was taken on the very first day of school. We were all put into groups in the hall to do maths with room 7. It was easier being in a bigger group because we got more answers to think about. When we compared our answers most of us had the same. 

Friday, 14 October 2016

Personification poem

The beach

The trees danced back and forth as the wind passed by,
The waves crashing as an old man's dashes pass
Stepping into the water made him feel the warmth of a hot bath.