
Monday, 3 August 2015

It was all a dream

Walt:Write a personal narrative from a picture

“Wait!” “Wait! there’s an abundance of apples on that tree” shouted Jack “They are looking magnificent, we should stop and have a small lunch.” They smelled outstanding, looked succulent, they must have had a beautiful flavour. “Mmm! That was the most crunchiest, juiciest apple I've ever tasted! It is like a witch could have casted a spell on that tree!”

“Jack Jack I shouted trying to tell him to slow down.” Jack heard me and stopped immediately. He yelled “What is the matter with you?” I said “I'm feeling a bit sick.” Jack stopped and looked at me, he could see my face going pale my eyes going bloodshot red, he knew I was not feeling okay.

Unexpectedly a worm popped out of my apple “Ewww!”  I shouted in fear. Then suddenly Jack vanished in the air I panic thinking what could have caused that. I'm scared don't know what is happening around me, could it just be the worm mixing up my mind with bad thoughts?

I then felt someone tapping on my shoulder shaking my head all around. I open my eyes to see what is happening, then I just realise that I was still at the apple tree. I ask Jack “What happen to me?” Jack says “you fell into deep sleep because you ate too much apples” I say “Ohhh it was all a dream thank god.” Lets go home now Jack.

Never eat a lot of apples at once.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kio orana Tane I like your writing about its All a dream. You did good on your writing.

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